Saturday, 16 June 2012

We're Leaving!

Logan Temple

Idaho Falls Temple
Garry and I had sold our home, quit our jobs and packed all we were going to bring (two suitcases each) before we recieved our call. Now that we had our call and we had our good-byes it was time to leave! Here are some of the Temples we visited on the way down to the Missionary Training Center (MTC). Also some of the beautiful flowers we saw along the way. This was the Logan Temple. There we went and found ourselves in the same temple session as Jason, the Elder who Baptized Elder Stark and half of the family. It is a large temple and can have up to 1000 people in it at a time and there are many rooms and many sessions throughout the day. It wasn't coincidence that we met Jason and his new wife there that day. Oh and yes this is a picture of the temperature, as coming from Alberta I could not believe it was 32 degrees in the shade at that early time of the year. it was April 21st, 2012.

Jason, the missionary who taught Elder Stark's family and whom we met a tthe Logan Temple

This is the sign we saw on a rest-aurant on the way to Utah.  the person obviosly was a believer in God,  how appropriate this was in our situation!  Taken in Montanna.  They made VERY good and very large breakfasts.

Some flowers in Utah I loved that tree with the purple flowers on it.

Tulips in April